AFI Registered Office
Address: Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Phone: +91-7079735664

AFI Research & Development Centre
Address: Noida, UP
Phone: +91- 7982454976

AFI Manufacturing Unit
Address: Noida, UP
Phone: +91-7982454976

Agniforge Industries (USA)
Address: California
Phone: +1-(925) 718-9404


What products does Agniforge Industries specialize in?
Agniforge Industries specializes in drone manufacturing, defense equipment, and is known as India's first drone transmitter and receiver manufacturer.

Can you elaborate on Agniforge's commitment to "Made in India" product development?
Agniforge Industries is dedicated to producing high-quality products within India, reducing dependency on imported parts, and contributing to the nation's self-reliance.

What sets Agniforge Industries apart in the drone manufacturing industry?
Our company stands out for its pioneering spirit, commitment to innovation, and being the first in India to manufacture drone transmitters and receivers.

What services does Agniforge offer besides drone manufacturing?
Agniforge provides a range of services, including drone forensic solutions, aerial survey and mapping, DGPS survey, thermal inspection, and satellite mapping.

How does Agniforge contribute to technological autonomy and independence?
We contribute by reducing reliance on imported parts, fostering a "Made in India" ethos, and continuously innovating in the drone and defense equipment sectors.

Can you elaborate on the drone forensic solutions offered by Agniforge Industries?
Agniforge specializes in comprehensive drone forensic services, including data recovery, flight path analysis, and incident reconstruction.

What industries can benefit from Agniforge's aerial survey and mapping services?
Our aerial survey and mapping services cater to a diverse range of industries, including agriculture, infrastructure development, environmental monitoring, and more.

How does Agniforge ensure the precision of its products and services?
Precision is a hallmark of Agniforge. We achieve it through advanced technologies, skilled professionals, and a commitment to rigorous quality control processes.

Tell us about Agniforge's global reach in drone manufacturing and defense equipment.
Agniforge Industries serves clients worldwide, contributing to the global advancement of drone technology and defense equipment.

Can Agniforge Industries customize its products to suit specific client needs?
Yes, Agniforge Industries offers customization options to meet the unique requirements of clients, ensuring tailored solutions for their projects.

How does Agniforge stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry?
We prioritize continuous research and development, stay updated on industry trends, and invest in cutting-edge technologies to remain leaders in the field.

What success stories or achievements can Agniforge Industries share in the drone and defense equipment sector?
Agniforge has numerous success stories, contributing to advancements in drone technology and defense equipment. Specific achievements can be provided upon request.

How can clients get in touch with Agniforge Industries for inquiries or collaboration?
Clients can reach out through our official website, contact forms, or directly through provided contact details for inquiries, collaborations, or partnerships.

Does Agniforge Industries provide training or support services for its products?
Yes, Agniforge offers training and support services to ensure clients maximize the benefits of our products and services.

Is Agniforge Industries involved in any corporate social responsibility initiatives?
Yes, Agniforge Industries is committed to corporate social responsibility and actively participates in initiatives that contribute to societal well-being and environmental sustainability.